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This page is dedicated to the projects Vikram has worked on to develop his understanding of design in relation to digital media. These works range from simple TinkerCad drawings to various frontend web designed sites through github. 


PSA Posters

As an exercise in Adobe photoshop and illustrator, I designed three PSA posters which tackled some of the negative aspects of Social Media such as: Rampant Polarization, Body Dysmorphia, and Screen Addiction


Trash Talk

This was a speculative design that aims to improve our societies awareness of climate change and waste issues. The trash talk, is a ingenious way to both sort recyclables  from trash, but shame those who carelessly throw things away.

Trash Talk.png


Front-end Web Design

Here is an example of a website worked on in HTML and CSS. The goal of this is to have created a page that demonstrates good layout design with respect to contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity. 


Album Art

This a mockup album cover, which I designed in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Featuring members of At The Latest. 

ATL AC.jpg
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